Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Alguien me robo!!!!!

So this past week I had my cell phone stolen!!!

Fortunately it was just my Ecuadorian phone and not of too much importance, although it did cost $50 to replace it!!!!

I was riding on the Ecovia, the main bus I take to get around Quito. It goes from North to South and stops a block away from my apt. It was packed beyond capacity, literally it was soo packed that people were pushing each other just to stand, not just to move. I was turned the other way and not paying attention when I got this feeling. Sure enough, a moment later I feel my pant leg pocket and no cell phone.

Needless to say I have a 39 pocket jacket that housed my ipod, flashdrive and several other valuables to be stolen. I just had gotten comfortable on that damned bus and let my guard down, and at that moment, my phone was gone. Apparently my friend who got off the bus before me said that there were some guys behind me eyeing my backpack...

From now on...phone in the jacket!!!

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